Which two are true about the execution of operating system scripts starting from Oracle Database 19c? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer:AF
Examine these queries and their output:
After a system crash, an instance restart and an attempted opening of the PDBs result in:
Which two are true? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer:AB
* 19c: PDB SYSTEM or UNDO Tablespace Recovery: The CDB and all other PDBs can be left opened. 1. Connect to PDB 2. Shutdown abort the PDB, if its not automatically done. sqlplus sys@sales_pdb as sysdba sql> SHUTDOWN ABORT; OR ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE CLOSE ABORT; rman target
sys@slaes_pdb rman> restore database; rman> recover database; rman> alter pluggable database sales_pdb open;
A database is configured in ARCHIVELOG mode.
Full RMAN backups are taken and no backup to trace has been taken of the control file. A media failure has occurred.
In which two scenarios is complete recovery possible? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer:DE
YourSALES_ROOTapplication container has two application PDBs. TheSALES_APPapplication has a common table,FIN.REVENUE, in the two PDBs. Examine this query and its output:
Which two are true? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer:CE
Which three are true about opatchauto? (Choose three.)
Correct Answer:ABC