- (Topic 10)
Through the Web-to-Case function, how is that case associated with a contact?
Correct Answer:B
- (Topic 5)
Custom Summary Formulas can run calculations on report calculations.
Correct Answer:B
Custom summary formulas support calculations on custom formula fields
Apply calculations only to summary rows can be used to calculate the summaries on numerical fields of summary and matrix reports
3900 chars per formula 5 per report Applies calc to only summary rows Custom formula fields are
Read only on record detail pages Not visible on edit pages
Are supported on std and custom objects Do not update last modified field
Can reference custom/std / other formula fields Cannot reference themselves
Cannot be deleted if they are referred in formulas Not searchable via sidebar / advanced search Not included in data export
Not available for lead conversion
Not available in Offline edition / connect for outlook Are automatically calculated
Cross object formula up to 5 levels
CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 7)
What does a workflow approval process do?
Correct Answer:ItelectronicallycapturesabusinessapprovalonaSFdatarecord.
- (Topic 8)
Specifying a "running user" in dashboard means:
Correct Answer:C
- (Topic 6)
How can you ensure that a value is entered in a field?
Correct Answer:B