- (Topic 2)
Following statements are about accreditation of health plans:
Correct Answer:A
- (Topic 1)
In the paragraph below, two statements each contain a pair of terms enclosed in parentheses. Determine which term correctly completes each statement. Then select the answer choice that contains the two terms you have chosen.
In most states, a health plan can be held responsible for a provider’s negligent malpractice. This legal concept is known as (vicarious liability / risk sharing). One step that health plans can take to reduce their exposure to malpractice lawsuits is to state in health plan-provider agreements,marketing collateral, and membership literature that the providers are (employees of the health plan / independent contractors).
Correct Answer:B
- (Topic 1)
Before incurring the expense of assembling a new PPO network, the Protect Health Plan conducted a cost analysis in order to determine the cost-effectiveness of renting an existing PPO network instead. In calculating the overall cost of renting the network, Protect assumed a premium of $2.52 per member per month (PMPM) and estimated the total number of members to be 9,000. This information indicates that Protect would calculate its annual network rental cost to be
Correct Answer:C