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  • Exam Code: AHM-540
  • Exam Title: Medical Management
  • Vendor: AHIP
  • Exam Questions: 163
  • Last Updated: February 21st,2025

Question 1

Determine whether the following statement is true or false:
All health plans participating in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) are required to use the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans (CAHPS) to measure customer satisfaction.

Correct Answer:A

Question 2

Breanna Osborn is a case manager for a regional health plan. One component of Ms. Osborn’s job is the collection and evaluation of medical, financial, social, and psychosocial information about a member’s situation. This component of Ms. Osborn’s job is known as

Correct Answer:D

Question 3

The Hall Health Plan gathered objective clinical information about the recommended uses and dosages of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and presented the information to network providers to illustrate the appropriate use of these frequently prescribed and expensive drugs. This information indicates that Hall most likely educated its network providers through the use of

Correct Answer:C

Question 4

Private employers are key purchasers of health plan services. The following statement(s) can correctly be made about employer expectations about the quality and cost- effectiveness of healthcare services:
* 1. For both health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and non-HMO plans, employers typically have access to accreditation results and performance measurement reports to help them evaluate the quality of healthcare and service
* 2. Because of employers’ concern about the quality and costs of healthcare services available through health plans, direct contracting has become a dominant model among employers who sponsor health benefit programs for their employees

Correct Answer:D

Question 5

DUR can be conducted prospectively, concurrently, or retrospectively. One true statement about prospective DUR is that it

Correct Answer:C