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What data update settings can you enable for a single score visualisation to update the score in real-time?
Correct Answer:C
Enabling ??Real time update?? from the data update settings updates a single score visualisation in real-time.
??Show score update time?? shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated. ??Background refresh interval (minutes)?? shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the visualisation if you have navigated away from it.
With ??Live refresh rate (seconds)??, you can choose the frequency in non-decimal seconds to have a single score reporting widget refresh. If set at '0', the score does not refresh.
What role is required to create personal targets and thresholds for users who can view an indicator on the Analytics Hub?
Correct Answer:D
On the Analytics Hub, no roles are required to create personal targets and thresholds. A threshold or a target can be personal or global.
A personal threshold or target is visible only to the user that created it.
A personal threshold appears as a light grey dotted line. A personal target appears as a dark line.
Personal thresholds and targets appear only on the Analytics Hub and KPI Details but not on widgets.
Reference: intelligence/page/use/performance-analytics/concept/pa-targets-thresholds.html
What does anti-signal indicate in KPI Signals?
Correct Answer:B
Reference: workspace/concept/signal-no-signal-anti-signal.html
Which of the following can be used across all the visualisations in a workspace?
Correct Answer:D
Create a single User Experience filter for use across all the visualisations in a workspace. The filter you create is available in the workspace in which you created it.
For filters to work in workspaces, you must configure an event handler to apply the filters.
Reference: platform/page/administer/workspace/task/create-user-exp-filters.html
Which of the following data update settings for single score visualisations shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated?
Correct Answer:A
??Show score update time?? shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated. ??Follow filters?? set for a workspace page. When enabled, the visualisation displays on a workspace with the filters set by the page. Toggle off to disable a visualisation from accepting any filter input.
??Background refresh interval (minutes)?? shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the visualisation if you have navigated away from it.
??Real time update?? updates score in real-time.
Reference: for-workspace/concept/single-score.html