Free CKA Exam Dumps

Question 21

Create a snapshot of theetcdinstance running athttps://, saving thesnapshot to the file path /srv/data/etcd-snapshot.db.
The following TLScertificates/key are suppliedfor connecting to the server withetcdctl:
CKA dumps exhibit CA certificate:/opt/KUCM00302/ca.crt
CKA dumps exhibit Client certificate:/opt/KUCM00302/etcd-client.crt
CKA dumps exhibit Client key:Topt/KUCM00302/etcd-client.key
F:WorkData Entry WorkData Entry20200827CKA18 C.JPG
CKA dumps exhibit

Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A

Question 22

Check the image version in pod without the describe command
kubectl get po nginx -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[].image}{"\n"}'

Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A

Question 23

Print pod name and start time to ??/opt/pod-status?? file
kubect1 get pods -o=jsonpath='{range items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.status.podIP}{"\n"}{end}'

Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A

Question 24

Monitor the logs of pod foo and:
CKA dumps exhibit Extract log lines correspondingto error unable-to-access-website
CKA dumps exhibit Write them to/opt/KULM00201/foo
CKA dumps exhibit

F:WorkData Entry WorkData Entry20200827CKA1 B.JPG
CKA dumps exhibit
F:WorkData Entry WorkData Entry20200827CKA1 C.JPG
CKA dumps exhibit

Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A

Question 25

Create a pod that having 3 containers in it? (Multi-Container)
image=nginx, image=redis, image=consul Name nginx container as ??nginx-container?? Name redis container as ??redis-container?? Name consul container as ??consul-container??
Create a pod manifest file for a container and append container section for rest of the images
kubectl run multi-container --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=nginx -- dry-run -o yaml > multi-container.yaml
# then
vim multi-container.yaml apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod metadata: labels:
run: multi-container name: multi-container spec:
- image: nginx
name: nginx-container
- image: redis
name: redis-container
- image: consul
name: consul-container
restartPolicy: Always

Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A