Free CKA Exam Dumps

Question 26

Scale the deploymentwebserverto6pods.
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Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A

Question 27

Create a pod that echo ??hello world?? and then exists. Have the pod deleted automatically when it??s completed
kubectl run busybox --image=busybox -it --rm --restart=Never -
/bin/sh -c 'echo hello world'
kubectl get po # You shouldn't see pod with the name "busybox"

Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A

Question 28

Check the Image version of nginx-dev pod using jsonpath
kubect1 get po nginx-dev -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[].image}{"\n"}'

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Correct Answer:A

Question 29

Schedule a pod as follows:
CKA dumps exhibit Name: nginx-kusc00101
CKA dumps exhibit Image: nginx
CKA dumps exhibit Node selector: disk=ssd
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F:WorkData Entry WorkData Entry20200827CKA6 D.JPG
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Does this meet the goal?

Correct Answer:A