Free DEV-501 Exam Dumps

Question 41

An area of a Visualforce page that demarcates which components should be processed by the server when an AJAX request is generated. Only the components in the body of the are processed by the server, thereby increasing the performance of the page.

Correct Answer:B

Question 42

Displays text on a Visualforce page. You can customize the appearance of
using CSS styles, in which case the generated text is wrapped in an HTML tag. You can also escape the rendered text if it contains sensitive HTML and XML characters. This component does take localization into account.
Use with nested param tags to format the text values, where {n} corresponds to the n-th nested param tag. The value attribute supports the same syntax as the MessageFormat class in Java. See the MessageFormat class JavaDocs for more information.
Warning:Encrypted custom fields that are embedded in the component display in clear text. The component doesn't respect the View Encrypted Data permission for users. To prevent showing sensitive information to unauthorized users, use the tag instead.

Correct Answer:D

Question 43

Under what circumstances is it appropriate for a developer to add functionality to their application via the SOAP API? (Select all that apply)

Correct Answer:BD

Question 44

What are access modifiers used to implement? (No Answer)

Correct Answer:B

Question 45

What two methods of customization are available to create applications in salesforce?

Correct Answer:A