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Question 6

- (Exam Topic 1)
RHCE Test Configuration Instructions
Information for the two systems you will use in test is the following: is one of the main sever. mainly used as a client. Password for both of the two systems is atenorth
System’s IP is provided by DHCP, you can regard it as normal, or you can reset to Static IP in accordance with the following requirements: The subnet mask is
Your system is a member of DNS domain All systems in DNS domain are all in subnet, the same all systems in this subnet are also in, unless specialized, all network services required to be configured can be accessed by systems of domain group3. provides a centralized authentication service domain
GROUP3.EXAMPLE.COM, both system1 and system2 have already been pre-configured to be the client for this domain, this domain provides the following user account:
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Firewall is enabled by default, you can turn it off when deemed appropriate, other settings about firewall may be in separate requirements.
Your system will be restarted before scoring, so please ensure that all modifications and service configurations you made still can be operated after the restart without manual intervention, virtual machine instances of all examinations must be able to enter the correct multi-user level after restart without manual assistance, it will be scored zero if the test using virtual machine system cannot be restarted or be properly restarted.
Corresponding distribution packages for the testing using operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux version can be found in the following link:
Part of the requirements include host security, ensure your host security limit does not prevent the request to allow the host and network, although you correctly configured the network service but would have to allow the host or network is blocked, this also does not score.
You will notice that some requirements which clearly do not allow services be accessed by service domain, systems of this domain are in subnet, and systems of these subnets also belong to my domain.
PS: Notice that some test questions may depend on other exam questions, for example, you might be asked to perform a series of restrictions on a user, but this user creation may be required in other questions. For convenient identification, each exam question has some radio buttons to help you identify which questions you have already completed or not completed. Certainly, you do not need to care these buttons if you don’t need them.
Configure the Virtual Host.
Expand your web server on the system1, create a virtual host for the site
then perform the following steps:
1. Set the DocumentRoot to /var/www/virtual from
2. Download a file, rename as index.html, don’t modify file index.html content
3. Put the file index.html under the directory DocumentRoot of Virtual Host
4. Ensure that user Andy can create files under directory /var/www/virtual
original site must still be able to be accessed. Name server provide the domain name resolution for host name of
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Correct Answer:A

Question 7

- (Exam Topic 3)
Install the Cron Schedule for jeff user to display "Hello" on daily 5:30.
Login as a root user
cat >schedule.txt
30 05 * * * /bin/echo "Hello"
crontab -u jeff schedule.txt
service crond restart
The cron system is essentially a smart alarm clock. When the alarm sounds, Linux runs the commands of your choice automatically. You can set the alarm clock to run at all sorts of regular time intervals. Alternatively, the system allows you to run the command of your choice once, at a specified time in the future.
Red Hat configured the cron daemon, crond. By default, it checks a series of directories for jobs to run, every minute of every hour of every day. The crond checks the /var/spool/cron directory for jobs by user. It also checks for scheduled jobs for the computer under /etc/crontab and in the /etc/cron.d directory. Here is the format of a line in crontab. Each of these columns is explained in more detail:
#minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week, command
* * * * * command
Entries in a crontab Command Line Field Value
Minute 0-59
Hour Based on a 24-hour clock; for example, 23 = 11 p.m. Day of month 1-31
Month 1-12, or jan, feb, mar, etc.
Day of week 0-7; where 0 and 7 are both Sunday; or sun, mon, tue, etc. Command: The command you want to run

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Correct Answer:A

Question 8

- (Exam Topic 4)
There were two systems:
system1, main system on which most of the configuration take place
system2, some configuration here
Secured webserver.
Configure the website with TLS
SSLCertificate file
SSL CA certificate file
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Correct Answer:A

Question 9

- (Exam Topic 1)
RHCE Test Configuration Instructions
Information for the two systems you will use in test is the following: is one of the main sever. mainly used as a client. Password for both of the two systems is atenorth
System’s IP is provided by DHCP, you can regard it as normal, or you can reset to Static IP in accordance with the following requirements: The subnet mask is
Your system is a member of DNS domain All systems in DNS domain are all in subnet, the same all systems in this subnet are also in, unless specialized, all network services required to be configured can be accessed by systems of domain group3. provides a centralized authentication service domain
GROUP3.EXAMPLE.COM, both system1 and system2 have already been pre-configured to be the client for this domain, this domain provides the following user account:
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Firewall is enabled by default, you can turn it off when deemed appropriate, other settings about firewall may be in separate requirements.
Your system will be restarted before scoring, so please ensure that all modifications and service configurations you made still can be operated after the restart without manual intervention, virtual machine instances of all examinations must be able to enter the correct multi-user level after restart without manual assistance, it will be scored zero if the test using virtual machine system cannot be restarted or be properly restarted.
Corresponding distribution packages for the testing using operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux version can be found in the following link:
Part of the requirements include host security, ensure your host security limit does not prevent the request to allow the host and network, although you correctly configured the network service but would have to allow the host or network is blocked, this also does not score.
You will notice that some requirements which clearly do not allow services be accessed by service domain, systems of this domain are in subnet, and systems of these subnets also belong to my domain.
PS: Notice that some test questions may depend on other exam questions, for example, you might be asked to perform a series of restrictions on a user, but this user creation may be required in other questions. For convenient identification, each exam question has some radio buttons to help you identify which questions you have already completed or not completed. Certainly, you do not need to care these buttons if you don’t need them.
Create a script to add users
Create a script named /root/mkusers on the system1, this script can achieve to add local users for the system1,
and user names of these users are all from a file which contains the usernames list, and meet the following requirements at the same time:
This script is required to provide a parameter; this parameter is the file which contains the usernames list
This script need provide the following message: Usage/root/mkusers if it does not provide a parameter,
then exit and return the corresponding value
This script need provide the following message: Input file not found if it provides a name that does not exist, then exit and return the corresponding value
Create a user shell log into /bin/false
This script does not need to set password for users
You can get the usernames list from the following URL as a test:
http://rhgls. userlist
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Correct Answer:A

Question 10

- (Exam Topic 2)
Prevent Mary from performing user configuration tasks in your system.
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1. I find that it is common to add various service access limits in the exam RHCE. The exercises like: require
one network segment can be accessed another network segments can not be accessed, the following are some conclusions for various service:
tcp_wrappers can filter the TCP’s accessing service. TCP whether has the filtering function which depends on this service whether use the function library of tcp_wrappers, or this service whether has the xinetd process of starting function of tcp_wrappers. tcp_wrappers’s main configuration file is /etc/hosts.allow,/etc/hosts.deny.
And the priority of the documents in hosts. allow is higher than hosts. deny. Visit will be passed if no match was found.
sshd,vsftpd can use the filtering service of tcp_wrappers. Configuration example:
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The two configuration files’ syntax can refer to hosts_access (5) and hosts_options(5) sshd_config
There are four parameters in this configuration file: DenyUsers, AllowUsers, DenyGroups, AllowGroups, they are used to limit some users or user groups to proceed Remote Login through the SSH. These parameters’ priority level is DenyUsers->AllowUsers->DenyGroups->AllowGroups
Configuration example:
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httpd Service
Through the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf in parameters, can add to control the url access. Just as:
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So pay attention, deny’s and allow’s priority level in order deny,allow is: the backer has the higher priority level. But here, allow’s priority has a higher priority level.
nfs Service
nfs service directly control the visits through file /etc/exports, just as:
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samba Service
Parameter hosts allow in /etc/samba/smb.conf which is used as Access Control, just as:
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2. Paying attention to use Mount parameters: _netdev,defaults when you are mounting ISCSI disk.
3. Stop the NetworkManager
/etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop chkconfig NetworkManager off
4. When you are deploying ifcfg-ethX, add parameters: PEERDNS=no
5. Empty the firewall in RHCSARHCE:
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6. Narrow lv steps:
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7. Mount the using command - swap which is newly added in /etc/fstab
8. If Verification is not passed when you are installing software, can import public key: rpm import
/etc/pki/rpm…/…release and so on. In yum.repo, you also can deploy gpgkey, for example, gpgkey=/etc/pki/rpm…/…release
9. When you are using “Find” command to search and keep these files, paying attention to use cp -a to copy files if you use user name and authority as your searching methods.

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Correct Answer:A